If you are like our team at Marshall Financial Group, you were looking forward to the summer of 2021. We had a wonderful time connecting and reconnecting with friends, family, and co-workers, while learning new things and taking time to relax. We thought we’d share some photos and experiences of what we’ve been up to.
Connecting with family and friends.
Like many people, our Director of Financial Planning and Senior Financial Advisor Sheryl Parks took time to travel this summer. She spent time reconnecting with extended family who live in Colorado. They enjoyed the beautiful views and fresh air on hikes together.
Lisa Pezzella was busy working with and training some of our newest team members this summer. She also moved to the beach and enjoyed friends and family coming to visit all summer – especially when she hosted crab feasts like this!
Learning new things.
Our President Pete Marshall is no stranger to learning new things. He had always wanted to try surfing and had a blast taking lessons with his kids this summer. They look forward to many more opportunities to get out in the waves together!
Our newest Financial Advisor Andrew Hasz finished his MBA in Finance this summer! He also worked as a graduate assistant and finance tutor during his time at Lindenwood University and looks forward to developing relationships with MFG clients.
Spending time with the MFG family.
Our Financial Advisors Brad Clough and Haywood Sarkes are both avid golfers and enjoy playing rounds together most weekends. This summer, they attended the PGA BMW Championship at Caves Valley Golf Club in Owings Mills, Maryland and had a great time watching Patrick Cantlay win.
In July, the whole Marshall Financial Group team ventured to a much smaller golf course for a friendly (and slightly competitive) game of mini-golf. This was our first MFG team-building day with our newer employees, Haywood, Amy Sommers, and Thomas McAndrew. Our golfers Brad and Haywood came in 2nd and 3rd place, with Anthony Pugliese coming in 1st. After golf, we relaxed with pizza and beers.
Hope you were able to relax and make some wonderful memories this summer as well!
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