How to Align Your Investments and Retirement Goals

How to Align Your Investments and Retirement Goals - Marshall Financial Group

Every day, the markets change. We are exposed to news about the markets and various opinions regarding what that can mean for retirement accounts. But the consensus remains that investments are for the long term and working with a financial advisor helps you understand the markets and your investments. So, when we are thinking about decisions regarding your investments and retirement goals, we consider a long term perspective. Here are some questions to help you think through aligning your retirement goals and investments.

When will you retire?

How far you are from retirement will help you align your investments and retirement goals. Investing can look different if you are twenty years from retirement age or five years from retirement age. As you move toward your target retirement age, consideration is often given to becoming more conservative in your investment portfolio. Decisions regarding these changes should also consider the impact that inflation can have on your retirement which could last 20+ years.

What are your retirement goals?

This might also sound simple, but the question is important. Do you want to stay in your home? Or do you want to move closer to your children or somewhere warm? Do you want to stop working all at once or work part-time for a while? Do you want to travel or relax at a beach house? Write down what your ideal retirement looks like and begin thinking about what that might cost. Understanding your goals is an important part of aligning investments and your retirement.

How are your investments and retirement goals changing?

Life changes, and we can’t expect our goals for retirement to stay the same. At Marshall Financial Group, we revisit your investments and your retirement goals regularly to make sure that they are still aligned with each other and with your risk tolerance. You may want to adjust your savings rate and put more into your retirement accounts as you approach retirement. Starting at age 50, you can add more to your 401(k)s or IRAs.

Should I completely change my investments or retirement plan?

While you can realign your investments and retirement goals, don’t get spooked by temporary changes to the market. In a recent blog post, our financial advisor Brad Clough explained the Dollar Cost Averaging strategy. This strategy is about continually putting money into your accounts (regardless of whether the market is up or down) to “reduce risk, create a long-term plan for investing, and grow your investments,” and can be a helpful strategy for long-term investment planning. Our client experience is built around regular communication so you understand your investments and their performance.

Marshall Financial Group is here to help you understand your goals, your risk tolerance, and how those can align with your investments and portfolio.

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