Starting off a new year, most of us come up with resolutions of how to better ourselves and our community. At Marshall Financial Group, that betterment is built into our core mission and values. We are committed to giving back to our community in tangible ways, and many of us do that through providing leadership and mentorship for young people. From coaching to teaching, our team finds value in working with young people to build soft skills like confidence and self-improvement and a concrete knowledge base for their financial lives that will help them with their futures.
Using Sports to Teach Life Skills
Andrew Hasz is currently a head coach for HoCo Lacrosse’s 2024 team in Howard County. “I find value in mentoring through sport and activity, and find that many life principles can be applied through sport–especially when those you coach want to be there,” says Andrew. With an elite club lacrosse team like his, Andrew feels that he and the rest of the coaching staff are able to set high expectations that apply to many life situations. “Helping guide the athletes to their goals is extremely important to me, and I often find myself reaffirming my own principles while teaching the next generation.”
For many years, Pete Marshall has coached his son’s basketball team–this year it is the 6th and 7th graders. “I played growing up and in high school and college, and it’s a way for me to still enjoy the game through the boys’ eyes,” says Pete. During his basketball career, Pete had good relationships with his coaches, and hopes that they learn team-building skills and have a positive experience learning how to listen and improve individually and as a team. Although it is early in the season, they are doing well and the boys are “all good listeners and care about improving,” says Pete.
Teaching Financial Knowledge
Sheryl Parks MSF, CFP®, CDFA® works with young people (and the young at heart!) as a professor at a local community college. She enjoys sharing her knowledge of business, economics, and personal financial planning. Students learn about many topics including budgeting, investing, taxes, and retirement planning. Sheryl has a passion for education and says, “When someone learns the importance of financial planning in their youth, they can have a very bright future.”
Her interest in education also extends beyond both the classroom and Marshall Financial Group. “I have a passion for education and serving others and incorporate this into a holistic approach to financial planning,” says Sheryl. She also runs monthly divorce education workshops through Second Saturdays, which highlights the most common questions and concerns about divorce.
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